Thursday, October 6, 2011

HOBBY: Super Paint Removal!

I wanted to talk a little about removing paint on your miniatures. Now, if you're like me you may get to a point when painting your army when you realize that the first mini's you painted are not up to par with the rest of your army OR you buy miniatures from eBay that need to be repainted. So, here's how you can get that paint off. (note: This process works better for metal miniatures than plastic ones)

  1. Get a large plastic container and buy some Super Clean (in the automotive section) of your nearest Wal-Mart or your "counts-as" Wal-Mart.

  2. Fill the container with your miniatures.

  3. Pour in the Super Clean until they're all covered.

  4. Wait for 48-72 hours.

  5. Get a paper plate and put some paper towel on it. This is where your miniatures will lay to dry.

  6. Put on some rubber gloves, the kind a person would use for washing dishes is fine.

  7. Get the container with the miniatures in it and drain the Super Clean. Be careful not to lose arms or any other small parts as the Super Clean dissolves the super glue that was once holding them together.

  8. Now fill up the sink with soapy water enough to submerge your miniatures.

  9. Keep the water running on the faucet but not too hard.

  10. Dump in your miniatures.

  11. Keep them under the water while you scrub off the paint that may still be partially attached. If you don't scrub it under the water there will be half dissolved paint flying around everywhere.

  12. Take the miniature and run it under the faucet until you don't see any more soap or paint bits.

  13. Now put the miniature on the paper plate and it let dry.

  14. Enjoy your nice clean miniature!

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