Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Campaign Mission 1 - Tyranids vs Space Wolves

Its Dawn of War Deployment with Spacewolves going first. The rules of Dawn of War really put the limit on what Wolf Lord Whittle could put down so he only deploys a Grey Hunter Rhino with his Hero HQ Rune Priest attached.

I on the other hand am able to deploy everything except for the Genestealers which are left in reserve to outflank.

Rhino moves down a little and his priest zaps my Tervigon for a wound.

I start moving units and roll to spawn on the Tervigon… ALL SIXES! The Wolf Lord immediately feels the tables turning on his force as the massive amount of bodies are placed down on the table.

Long Fangs arrive from reserve and will be ready to shoot next round.
The Rune Priest’s psychic test is shut down by Shadow in the Warp.

Genestealers arrive from reserve and I place them on my right moving up to try to catch up the Rhino incase it speeds off.
Swarmlord moves up to try to catch the Rhino from the front while the Tervigon and his 18 strong Termaguant brood move up to close the gap between them and the Long Fangs.

Second and last Rhino with another Rune Priest arrives from reserve and speeds towards the Genestealers.
Hero Rune Priest is able to wound the Tyrant Guard.
Long Fangs finally get to shoot but are mostly ineffective. Unfortunately the Long Fangs never get to shoot again in this game.
The other Rune Priest and his transport kill off 3 Genestealers.

The Termaguant mob makes it to assault the Long Fangs (after shooting them a little) but aren’t able to do much.
Genestealers assault the 2nd Rune Priests Rhino but do nothing.
The Swarmlord assaults and explodes the Hero Rune Priests Rhino.

Rune Priest #2 tank shocks the Genestealers and then shoots them yet 2 remain and pass their leadership test.
Hero Priest’s unit shoots the Swarmlord and only inflicts 1 wound.
Long Fangs stay locked in combat but destroy about four Termaguants.

Genestealers assault and destroy the last Rhino.
Swarmlord assaults Hero Priests unit destroying it down to 3 Grey Hunters + the Hero HQ. In return he looses his Tyrant Guard.

Rune Priest #2’s unit destroys the last Genestealers.
The last Long Fang dies and the Termagants consolidate towards the 2nd Rune Priest.
The Rune Priest Hero inflicts a wound on the Swarmlord (leaving him with 2 left) but now stands alone.

The Swarmlord slays the wolves Hero HQ while the rest of horde moves forward.
The remaining Rune Priest see’s whats going on and exploits the Swarmlords secret weakness: overconfidence. The Priest makes an off comment about how the Swarmlord would never come over there and fight him and that’s what brings about the Swarmlords doom.

Ineffective shooting on both sides.
Rune Priest attempts a psychic power and gets Perils of the Warp.

Swarmlord assaults leaving the Rune Priest and 1 Grey Hunter on the entire board yet in turn fails both of his invulnerable saves.

Crushing victory for Hive Fleet Izzy.

Don’t get greedy. If you have the game done just leave it at that and don’t take any risks.

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