Thursday, October 6, 2011

TBS Team Battle practice- 2,000 points

Tyranids and Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines and Space Wolves
Hive Overlord Leif and Farseer Mark vs Warmaster John
Seize Ground – 5 Objectives
Spearhead Deployment
Tyrdar deploy first/go first, Chaos Space Wolves fail to seize the initiative.
Tyrdar leave Yrmgarl Genestealers and Doom of Malan'ti in reserve. Chaos Space Wolves have Arjack and 8 Grey Hunters in a drop pod in reserve.

Tyranids and Eldar move up, run.
Tervigon creates some Termagaunts.
The Wave Serpent begins its trek around the outside of the board. It's target? The Long Fangs by the hill/cave.
Rune Priest's Rhino is immobilized by the Wraithlord.
No assaults.

Chaos Space Wolves drop pod comes down near the center of the Tyrdar armies. The occupants target the Wraithguard however their toughness 6, 3+ armor save and the psycic power to re-roll any failed armor save protects them.
Deamon Prince moves into the middle building looking to stomp some Wraithguard. Most of the rest of the army moves very little allowing the Tyrdar force to dictate the battle.
No assaults.

DOOM arrives from reserves however he scatters, I believe, 9 inches from where I wanted him however this ends up working out just fine.
Tervigon creates some Termagants.
Hormaguants move up to assault Arjacs unit.
Termagants move into the outskirts of the building the Daemon Prince is currently occupying.
Wraithguard shoot and wound the Daemon Prince twice.
Doom inflicts casualties on Arjacs unit and the Rune Priest's unit.
Hormagaunts assault Arjacs unit but this does almost nothing a the unit is reduced to 3 models.

Plauge Marines and Khorn Berserker's move down.
Long Fangs attempt to wound Doom twice but he shrugs them off with 3+ invulnerable save power.
The rest of that Long Fang group hits the Wraithguard with frag missiles amounting to 0 wounds.
The Rune Priest and his squad assault Doom and they trade licks.
Arjac's squad finishes off the Hormagaunts and then consolidates away (but not more then 6” from Doom muahahaha).
Daemon Prince suffers another wound via Perils of the Warp and he then flies off and assaults and destroys a Termagants unit. He then consolidates towards the Tervigon.

TURN 3 – ALL HELL BRAKES LOOSEYrmgarl Genestealers arrive from reserve with a clear path to some Long Fangs.
Tervigon creates some Termagants replacing what was destroyed by the Daemon Prince.
Yrmgarl Genestealers move out and assault the Long Fangs reducing the group to 2 models and then because of And They Shall Know No Fear ended up with 1 model. The Genestealers suffered no losses.
Howling Banshees disembark and assault the other Long Fang group completely destroying them.
Wraithguard assault the now lonely Arjac and kill him.
Swarmlord assaults and kills the Daemon Prince.

Chaos disembarks their Plague Marines and Khorn Berserker's. The Berserkers assault the Swarmlord to little effect and the Plague Marnies assault and destroy some Termagants.
The Rune Priest is finally killed and the Doom consolidates into the middle ruin.

Tervigon creates some Termagaunts but actually rolls a double this time so no more :(
Doom moves out of terrain right between the Obliterator and the Bezerkers and during the shooting phase slays the Obliterator and causes some wounds on the Berserkers.
Wraithguard move up and destroy the Plague Marine rhino that was near them.
The Genestealers assault the now disembarked Plague Marines and do some damage.
Swarmlord moves around the last living Rhino and assaults the Plague Marines.
Howling Banshies move down and assault the Plague Marines also.
Doom assaults the last Rhino and destroys it.

With only a Drop Pod (that may have been destroyed I don't' remember), three or four Plague Marines, and an immobilized rhino left, the game is called.
Victory: Xenos

-Tryanids and Eldar mixed together makes for a delectable dish of death.
-Play to table. The mission was objective grab but we aim to neuter or utterly demolish the enemy force by Turn 3. If you don't believe your current list allows for such a tactic, revamp and revise.
-BE THE ACTIVE PLAYER. That is to say, don't let the enemy make you react make him react. Know your battleplan before you deploy and deploy with that plan in mind. Farseer Mark knew he needed his Banshees on the far side of the table so he put his transport at the bottom edge of the deployment zone. I knew I'd need Termagants to move ahead and get to an objective to babysit it or I was just going to use them to tarpit whatever enemy got close to them. The idea being when they're through dying Swarmlord can move in and mop up.

-If something is Toughness 5+, fire Krak missiles instead of Frag because as Farseer Mark has foretold, “Krak kills.”

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